The Learning Centre contains different materials that help students of English know more about the language and get the hang of its structure and usage. At the same time, assessment is available with reference to what is presented.

The General Grammar section offers, as the title suggests, grammar in a systematic and step-by-step way. Though I am not in favour of teaching grammar this way, I feel obliged, at least for the time being, to provide it on the website the way it is. In fact, students are advised to use the Grammar Section for reference rather than memorisation. The follow-up exercises should reinforce the correct use of language through the points presented.

The Pronunciation section offers basic background information of the IPA symbols and the corresponding sounds in English Language. Pronunciation of mono- and multi-syllabic words is there along with reference to word-class pronunciation, weak forms and connected speech.

In the Reading section, texts from a variety of resources (along with some adaptation in several cases) are presented with care for language register, complexity of structure, language use and grammar. Follow-sip questions will be added that ask about gist and some details.

In the near future, the texts will be offered in an audible form so that learners can listen to them and read them at the same time, which, as I think, makes reading more enjoyable.

The Common Mistakes section contains sentences that are incorrect but are commonly used by learners of English. In fact, these mistakes are out of interference and inadequacy of information available to the learner. More exercises will be followed up with so that students can make sure they avoid the mistake and use the structure in question properly.

If you are a lover of poetry, the English Poetry section is for you. The content will be available in audible form soon. You can enjoy a variety of poems from different periods of time. Though the poems are not arranged according to difficulty, there will be a difficulty level mark next to each.

Fairy Tales are still my favourite kind of read. I am pretty sure that there will be a lot of fans of fairy tales online. You can read several fairy tales and folk tales from different cultures. If you have more stories to add, please contact me to publish them in this section.

Last but not least, the Crazy English section where you can read about strange things that happen in English language. A lot of bizarre cases of exceptions and absurdities will be posted here, Just For Fun.

Because this section is meant to grow by time, continuous update is the only way to keep it going and notification of users and students will be done through their subscription to the Newsletter section.