Desert Herd
Below are some of the photos of trip to the Arabian Desert. That was September, 2012. It was amazing. the full set of photos are in the photo gallery section.
Below are some of the photos of trip to the Arabian Desert. That was September, 2012. It was amazing. the full set of photos are in the photo gallery section.
ثــــوب الـدرويـــش يــمــسك بالأرض يــديرهــا فتتــيه The robe of the dervish Holds the Earth tight Turns it; it goes astray
دوار الــنــــشوة يــصـــيــب صــــانــع الــفــخــــار يـــغــدو مـــزهــريـــة Dizziness of ecstasy Hits the pottery maker. He becomes a vase.
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