
    I mainly do translation from Arabic to English and vice versa. At the same time I can do simultaneous translation in conferences and business meetings provided that the topics discussed are not specialised.

    If you want to hire me to translate something for you, you have to provide me with the material that needs to be translated for initial study first. It usually takes me less than 48 hours to get a good idea of what I am going to work on. After that, we can discuss the way, the cost, the period of time and any other technical issues related to translation.

    If you are a publisher, I can translate books on general topics from Arabic to English and vice versa. We can meet and discuss the material and then specify the period of time needed for translation and reviewing.

    The publisher can provide an Arabic editing and reviewing person for the final version of the material. But I should have the final touch on it before publishing.

    Sometimes I reject certain materials for their difficulty or my unfamiliarity with them. In this case I do not charge any money and return the material by the end of the study period.

One more thing!

    Right now translation is not one of my priorities. I mean that I am not doing any translation  materials until further notice. This is because I am being busy with teaching and development. This page provides information for potential future cooperation with clients rather than a current service.